Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crescent Moon at Fields of Honor 2011

In addition to the Force on Force games I ran at Fields of Honor, I ran a couple games of Traps and Treasure!  as well.  This is my home-brew miniatures skirmish game designed to be easily picked up by first time players in just a few minutes.

Both games went quite well and the players (and myself) looked to be having a lot of fun.  The first game had 5 players while the second had 4.  It would have been nice to fill out both games with 6 players, but both groups were able to gather hoards of treasure without perishing at the claws/hands of the monsters (and other players!).
Getting ready to start Traps & Treasure!
Most of the levels exploded
Ah, treasure!

Front of the Crescent Moon Inn and Songhouse
Left Side
Right Side

Below are the rules, character sheets, and other supporting material.  Please let me know if you want to give it a shot and have any questions - I'd be glad to help out!

Traps & Treasure! Rules
Traps & Treasure! Characters
Traps & Treasure! Overview
Traps & Treasure! Battle Report Form
Traps & Treasure! License

Here is a link to the HirstArts message board documenting the build:
Yep, I scratch built it from plaster, foam board, and balsa wood.  The blocks are cast from HirstArts molds.  Here is a thread on the HirstArts message board which goes through a good portion of the build:


  1. Where is the inn from? Scratch build?

  2. Yep, I scratch built it from plaster, foam board, and balsa wood. The blocks are cast from HirstArts molds. Here is a thread on the HirstArts message board which goes through a good portion of the build:

  3. That's a great build. Well done. Cheers for the link.
