Mounted Eredin
All the Wild Hunt summed up in one posting. There were a few sessions to get these all painted, but they are obviously related so summarizing them in one blog post. The OSL on Eridin didn't exactly turn out as I had envisioned and the fluorescent pigment-based oils were not overly impressive.
The various plants are a bit out of the 'norm' and may not be considered as something that really 'belongs' in the Wild Hunt context. My thoughts are that the Wild Hunt doesn't really belong in the Witcher context as they are invading from another dimension. They bring the icy cold with them, covering everything in their path including poor mushroom and leafy plant bystanders. I really like the various plants and think the ice/snow effects look pretty neat covering them.
The single and double hounds were each done in pairs, but back-to-back.