Wednesday, September 13, 2023
The Witcher: Old World - Manticore

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
The Witcher: Old World - Griffin
The griffin turned out ok, but I'm not very satisfied with the feathers as I think I could have done better given a few more ounces of patience. The skin/beak turned out well with very little effort and I kept fighting the feathers trying to get the lighter bands worked into them. The biggest issue is that the sculpt doesn't have very good 'rows' of feathers to be able to make the light bands effective. I'm sure given enough time I could have made it look better, but it got to that 'good enough for me' stage and moved on.
Paints used on this model:
Monday, September 11, 2023
The Witcher: Old World - Brewess

Sunday, September 10, 2023
The Witcher: Old World - Weavess
Saturday, September 9, 2023
The Witcher: Old World - Whispess
The Whispess was fun to paint and turned out close enough to the reference art to my liking. I could have added a bit more red to the skin as well as going darker brown with the clothes to better match, but decided to keep it a little brighter. These crones are very creepy in the video game and the models follow suit.
Paints used on this model: